Animated GIF. William Shatner as Captain Kirk screaming CANE in place of KHAN.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Thursday Night Lights

Patricia V left a comment on my post about my walker:

I would love to know HOW you add the lights. Where did you get them? Are they battery powered? I want to add lights to my walker but don't know how! Thanks.

Here's a quick video I whipped up on my lights, since it felt like showing was easier and quicker than writing:

As for where I got my lights, I've gotten most of mine from either Amazon or Target. Most Targets have a section in the back year-round with Christmas lights and some of these are cute and battery-operated. Otherwise I've spent many an hour on Amazon looking up "battery string lights" and similar searches, and I have a range of things for various times of year. These are the lights I have on the lower bar year-round so I can be visible while crossing streets at nights. These are what I had on for the spring and early summer. These are what I have on now.

One recommendation I would give is to get a ziplock baggie and put the battery pack in there - I've had the wonderful experience of a set of lights getting rained on and the whole thing shorting out and melting.

I hope you found this helpful! I'd love to see photos of what you do with your walker!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Access Mob Pittsburgh's First AXS Map Mapathon!

Image: Two lines of texts. First line reads: "A X S MAP," followed by an icon of a person using a wheelchair. Second line reads: "Building landscapes to accommodate the world."

The purpose of the mapathon is to generate data for AXS Map, a valuable tool for people with physical limitations to determine whether or not they can patronize certain businesses. Currently there are only a limited number of restaurants, retail stores, academic and cultural institutions, and other places of business that have been rated within the City of Pittsburgh and its surrounding areas.

We will be starting at 10 AM on Saturday, October 24, in the center vaulted section of the Cathedral of Learning's main floor - look for the sign! From there groups will be assigned to different neighbourhoods to begin mapping.

Before coming, all attendees should watch the videos on the AXS Map website that instruct people on how to perform ratings.

Mappers are encouraged to dress in layers and wear comfortable shoes. If possible, teams should include at least one driver; some neighbourhood areas will be reserved for people going by bus or by foot.

When finished with their respective neighbourhoods, teams are encouraged to go out on their own to find new places to rate, and when everyone is done for the day participants are encouraged to go and spend money at one of the places they've given a high rating to, as a thanks to those businesses.

People of all ages and levels of ability are invited! However, we do require that anyone under the age of 17 be accompanied by a legal guardian.

To join the Access Mob on Facebook, click here.

To invite your friends via the Facebook event, click here.